Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Hour Picket Organs

Today's society has been super busy, so sometimes forgotten by everyone in her own health. Now this info our organs work schedule ... Let all be on the move with a healthy lifestyle.

Here are our organs work schedule:

Gastric Hours 07:00 to 9:00 a.m. Hours picket gastric organs'm stronger, better breakfast for energy formation process body throughout the day. Drinking juice or herbs should be before breakfast. morning, the stomach is empty so that useful substances are absorbed immediately body.

Spleen Hours 09:00 to 11:00 Hours picket organ spleen strong, in mentransportasi liquid nutrients for energy growth. If at that hour was sleepy, it means a weak spleen function. Less consumption of sugar, fats, oils and animal protein.

Cardiac Hours 11:00 to 13:00 Hours picket cardiac
strong, should be rest, avoid heat and process physical, ambitions and emotions, especially in patients with vascular disorders.

Liver Hours 13:00 to 3:00 p.m. Hours picket weak liver,
when people sleep, gather in the red blood and the liver occurs the regeneration of liver cells. If the body's strong heart function strong to ward off all diseases.

Lung Hours 15:00 to 17:00 Hours picket organ
weak lungs, needed rest, sleep for the disposal process toxins and energy formation process of the lungs

Kidney Hours 17:00 to 19:00 Hours picket kidney
strong, should be used to study due process formation of bone marrow and brain and intelligence.

Gastric Hours 19:00 to 21:00 Hours picket gastric organs
weak should not consume food that is difficult to digest or long digested or better've stopped eating

Spleen Hours 9:00 p.m. to 23:00 Hours picket organ spleen

weak, there is the process of disposal of toxic and cell regeneration process spleen. Should rest while listening to soothing music. soul, for improving immunity.

Heart Hours 11:00 p.m. to 01:00 Hours picket cardiac
Weak, Should have rested sleep, if still continue to work or stay up can weaken the heart function.

Liver Hours 1:00 to 03:00 Hours picket strong liver.
There was a process the discharge of toxic / waste material of the body's metabolism.

If there is any disturbance of liver function as reflected in the dirt and disorder eye. If there will be a pain in the wound.

Lung Hours 03:00 to 5:00 clock picket organ
strong lungs, a process of disposal of waste / toxins in the organs the lungs, occurs when coughing, sneezing and sweating indicate a functional disturbance lung. Should be used if the breath to get lung energy healthy and strong.

Large Intestine Hours 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 Hours picket intestinal organ
big strong, should familiarize CHAPTER regularly.

hopefully useful ..

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